By Ryan Hogan

HPTUNERS MPVI2/MPVI3 Initial Procedures

If you bought HPTuners credits through FRP, please resync your device to apply those credits. 

HPTuners is the latest and greatest way of tuning using the MPVI3, rather than using a handheld programmer from which to load tunes to and from. It communicates via the interface (MPVI3) communicating directly from laptop (must be windows based, no Apple/MAC products) to the vehicle's OBD2 Port. You also use the interface to datalog so we can refine the tune to the vehicle.


There are 2 programs you'll need download, VCM Editor Beta , and VCM Scanner Beta; these are part of the VCM Suite Latest Beta. The editor is what you use to write tunes to the vehicle, and Scanner's purpose is to datalog. You will go to to download the latest version of the VCM Suite Latest Beta. In the picture below from HPTuner website it is the download on the right that is blue.




Initial instructions:

(An MPVI2/3 requires a wifi connection to read/write to vehicle)

Once you receive your HPTuners MPVI tune you will need to make an account on HPtuners and register your device. is a link that will help walk you through doing so.


Once you register your MPVI3 it is time to read your vehicles base file. For this you'll need to go out to the vehicle, plug in the MPVI3 to your laptop and vehicle OBD2 port, open the VCM editor, and select "Read Vehicle".

You must have the ignition key on engine off (run mode). With the editor open you will select the green arrow which is the read function. It will the pop up in the middle. Then select "Read" again. Pictured below you will see you read the engine, transmission, . Reading the factory tune will take 2-15 minutes depending on the vehicle. After the read is complete VCM Editor will automatically prompt you to save the file. Please save this file as it is your original read and have it save to the desktop(its easier to find then). Afterwards, send your base tune file as an attachment via email and put your order number in the subject line. 

General Instructions (not device specific) :


Once Ryan  sends a base tune for your application (again, your tune file is needed for this step to happen), you will open it with VCM Editor, and select “Write Vehicle” (red arrow icon).

Again ignition needs to be Key On, Engine Off otherwise the write will not happen. 

It will ask you if you wish to license the vehicle. This is asking to use HPTuners credits to grant access to the vehicle for the purpose of calibration. You need to select "specific". Again, this is a reminder that if your credits do not show up, resync your device if you have not done so, and if they still do not show up, to email with your order number. HPTuners credits are almost always loaded before the device is shipped, but in rare instances they need to be added after the fact. In all cases, the device needs to be re-sync'd for those credits to be displayed. 

In the email with your base tune (e.g. RickyBobby_93gas001.hpt) , you will also see another file in .xml format. This is a channel config, or config for short. This is a pre-populated list of channels set up for datalogging. Download this file to your hard drive, we will revisit this later.

After writing to the vehicle, it’s time to datalog. Open up VCM Scanner. Towards the upper left hand side of the screen, you will select the folder w/ gear icon , then select "Open Channel Config". Locate the .xml file you downloaded earlier, and once selected, a laundry list of channels should show up on the left side of the screen within VCM Scanner. 

 For various reasons, the config file does not always work. In the event this is the case, please click on the gear w/ plus icon to manually add channels. Once you select the icon the Channel Selector will appear. Please manually add the following channels:


Engine rpm

Intake manifold absolute pressure

Intake air temperature

Pressure Ratio


Throttle position commanded

Throttle position actual

Short term Knock Retard

Long Term Knock Retard

Throttle position

Pedal voltage

Intake Air Temperature

Engine Coolant Temp

Short term fuel trim bank 1 &2

Long term fuel trim bank 1&2 


Wideband(if equipped)


After all this is done, you are ready for datalogging!


Select “connect vehicle” then hit the big red button to initiate recording.


Start the vehicle and let it warm up, you want your O2’s to start working. Start with some light driving, stop/go in a empty, closed environment. The log should be 3-5 minutes in duration unless otherwise noted. Your log will be in .HPL file format. Next you will attach the log file, and email to for further review. Once we receive the data log and tune we will review and make any necessary adjustments and email you a new tune file. Once receive new tune file you will do a new log with same procedures as before plus some wide open throttle pulls.